Brand Messaging
Tired of competing on price? Then this is for you
May 23, 2024
Martial Ganiere
Do you find yourself competing on price, ?
It’s probably that your potential customers don’t understand clearly the value of your product or service.
In other words, you need to communicate a clear and attractive value proposition that:
Sets your business appart from competitors
Communicates the benefits and value
Focuses on the desired outcomes
Makes your solution unique
And communicate less on features.
Remember, people don't want products or services.
And features even less.
People want solutions that improve their lives.
A value proposition isn’t:
❌ Pack as many features as possible for a given price and call it value
Instead, a value proposition does:
✅ Articulate how your solution makes their lives better
↳ Increase the likelihood of them buying from you.
✅ Emphasize on the benefits and value they will get
↳ Connect with ideal customers on a deeper level.
Great, but how do I define my value proposition?
I’m glad you ask.
I’ve put together a 4-step guide that will help you “craft a killer value proposition”.
Today, I’m giving you access to this guide for free.
Grab my free guide 👇
Craft a Killer Value Proposition
Use this guide and worksheet to craft your killer value proposition so that you too can can:
Stand out from competition with a unique value proposition
Resonate with your ideal customers
Avoid competing on price
And ultimately grow your business with confidence.
Martial – Your Very Own Web Strategist
PS: I will add more examples in the near future. Meanwhile, let me know if you need help defining your value proposition, or simply want feedback. I’d be more than happy to hop on a call.